Virtual museum of Russian aggression.

Virtual museum of Russian aggression.




The complex events surrounding the Donetsk airport began unfolding in April 2014, after the proclamation by members of illegal armed formations (IAF) of the so-called "Donetsk People's Republic" ("DPR") and "Luhansk People's Republic" ("LPR"), and their capture of a number of settlements in the mentioned regions.

In April 2014, the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine announced the beginning of the anti-terrorist operation in the east of Ukraine (ATO). Significant efforts were directed at preventing attempts by the Russian authorities to establish comprehensive control over the territory of Ukraine as a whole or over a specific part of it.

To conduct such an operation, the ATO Headquarters was created. From May 25, 2014, it was headed by the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Viktor Muzhenko. The 5 sectors of the ATO received their respective boundaries of responsibility and groups of troops (sectors A, B, C, D, M). The process of managing the troops of the ATO forces was clearly regulated by the combat statute and instructions on operational work. Ruslan Khomchak was the head of Sector "B" (under which the Donetsk airport was subordinated) until December 2014.

On the night of May 25-26, 2014, the new terminal and approaches to the Donetsk airport were captured without a fight by armed formations of Russian special services. They expected that the Ukrainian leadership would not dare to fight in the newly built airport terminal. However, as a result of the battle on May 26, 2014, the Ukrainian Armed Forces units defeated the enemy. These events are considered the beginning of the ATO forces' operation to defend the Donetsk airport.

By August 23, 2014, the airport's territory was under the full control of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. The airport's perimeter formed a front line with the city of Donetsk, which was controlled by the illegal armed formations.

On September 5, 2014, following negotiations of the Trilateral Contact Group on the situation in Donbas (Minsk negotiations), a ceasefire was announced. At the same time, immediately after this announcement, the illegal armed formations, supported by Russia, began shelling the positions of the ATO forces in Donetsk airport and the village of Pisky. From September 2014 to January 21, 2015, the main losses of Ukrainian forces were caused by these artillery shelling attacks.

In October 2014, a rotation of the ATO forces took place at the Donetsk airport. Since then, soldiers participating in the defense began to be called "cyborgs."

In November and December 2014, as well as in January 2015, there were 3 rotation stages of ATO units in the airport. During this period, the tactics of the separatist forces changed: the enemy occupied separate buildings on the territory of the Donetsk airport (a hotel, the old terminal); instead of launching attacks, the adversary tried to infiltrate the buildings around the new terminal and then into the new terminal itself. The new airport terminal became the front line for the ATO forces.





Background information


On January 9, 2015, the illegal armed formations prepared for the assault on the new airport terminal. They practiced targeting the terminal and the control tower using tanks and large-caliber artillery from several directions and concealed positions. The ATO forces had no opportunity to counteract them with artillery, and fire adjustment was done blindly (by sound).

On the third day of shelling, January 11, 2015, the ATO observation post located on the third floor of the new terminal could no longer perform its functions fully. All walls and ceilings there were destroyed. Eventually, the illegal armed formations unobstructedly climbed to the upper floor.

On January 12, 2015, another side of the new terminal (the outer wall facing the old terminal) collapsed under the pressure of tank attacks. The scale of the collapse obscured the visibility of three ATO posts in the new terminal, which were observing the approaches from the old terminal side. On the same day, the ATO soldiers noticed the presence of enemy forces one floor above. Gunfire from stairwells leading to the lower floor and shouting indicated the presence of the enemy. Later, the militants of the illegal armed formations issued an ultimatum to the Ukrainian fighters – to surrender, otherwise, they would be destroyed.

During the day on January 13, 2015, a tank of the illegal armed formations continued shelling the control tower – the main eyes of the ATO forces for artillery fire adjustment. As a result of the shelling, the tower's supports could not withstand the pressure, and it collapsed. In the evening of the same day, the militants of the illegal armed formations attempted to blow up the ATO headquarters in the new terminal. This place served as a resting area for most of the personnel, a medical point, and a dining room. However, the criminals did not take into account the thickness of the ceiling, so a part of the wall from the side of the control tower collapsed.

Over the course of three days, from January 13 to 15, 2015, the ATO forces at Donetsk Airport underwent another rotation under the shelling of the illegal armed formations. During this period, all previous agreements between the ATO forces and the illegal armed formations regarding rotations were canceled.


15.01.2015 бойовики НЗФ з 2-го та 4-го поверхів пробують штурмувати частину нового терміналу, яку обороняють українські бійці. Бої відбуваються на 2-му поверсі. При цьому ворог атакує українські позиції, зокрема і з 4-го поверху – за рахунок підриву стелі ведуть вогонь та закидають гранати згори на нижні поверхи. Вибити противника з верхніх поверхів силам АТО не вдається. Цього ж дня в новий термінал прибуває начальник розвідки 81-ї ОАЕМБр з позивним «Рахман».

Back then, our guys held only half of the first floor of the northern part of the terminal. They had to defend in a hall torn by all winds, its walls shone through from numerous shellings, concrete columns ricocheted, and snipers constantly shot through the area. It was even impossible to finish smoking a cigarette – the sniper would fire at the third puff...

Chief of intelligence of the 81st Brigade (2014-2016), Lieutenant Colonel Andriy Grechanov with the call sign "Rahman," interview with "ArmyInform" correspondent

On January 16 and 17, 2015, the militants of the illegal armed formations continued their assault on the new terminal. They fired from the upper floors and used gas of unknown origin. The ATO forces repelled all attempts of a full capture.

"There was a moment when we were sitting in the terminal like a sandwich. Chechens were below us, in the basement and on the ground floors. When tanks broke the wall of the terminal, the separatists entered from the top through the hole in the wall. And we were in the middle, on the first and second floors. We know for sure that there were Chechens at the airport. This could be felt both by the manner in which they worked and by their voices when they tried to communicate with us. From what I personally know, there were also Russian professionals: at least the Vympel special forces unit (a special-purpose group of the FSB. — Ed). We even found their KIA, cut off their chevrons. Well, and the separatists themselves: the East battalion, they later captured us,"

Stanislav Stovban, a serviceman of the 80th Separate Airmobile Brigade, ""

From January 15 to 17, 2015, the ATO forces tried to bring in reinforcements and evacuate the wounded and deceased from Donetsk Airport.

On January 18, 2015, there is some calm. The ATO forces manage to partially rotate and evacuate the wounded from the new terminal. This is the last day when the defenders' vehicles enter the territory of the new terminal. The militants of the illegal armed formations also call for a ceasefire, removing their dead. However, under the pretext of evacuating the bodies of the deceased, they plant explosives under the supports of the new terminal.


On January 19, 2015, the militants of the illegal armed formations carry out the first powerful explosion in the new terminal. The walls collapse from the blast, but the interfloor slabs hold. There are no fatalities among the ATO forces' personnel, but many fighters receive concussions and injuries.

On January 20, 2015, there is a second powerful explosion in the new terminal. As it becomes known later, such an explosion had been planned for a long time. The militants of the illegal armed formations mined the overlapping plates in the basement and, covering themselves with fire, left at night. Those militants who occupied the upper floors also installed explosive devices on the columns that supported the slabs between the floors. The explosion is triggered remotely. The blast is so powerful that all floors of the concrete structure collapse, like a house of cards, trapping many ATO forces' fighters under the rubble.

"The floor, which was about one and a half meters thick, just rose under me and then went down sharply. There was a feeling that I was flying into the abyss. I quickly tried to orient myself and grabbed onto something in mid-air so as not to be buried under heavy concrete blocks."

Lieutenant Colonel Andriy Hrechanov, interview with "ArmyInform"

Those who survived try to independently organize search and rescue of personnel from the rubble. Eventually, some fighters decide to venture out for evacuation. 

On the night of January 20-21, 2015, a column of 3 MT-LAs (Multi-Purpose Tractor (Transporter) Light Armored) and a small number of fighters try to break through to the new terminal. In the darkness, one of the MT-LAs falls behind the column and accidentally ends up in the positions of the Russian-backed forces. The crew is captured. Russian militants, in violation of laws and rules of warfare, abuse the prisoners of war, torture them, and even film their crimes.

The other two MT-LAs continue to move towards the new terminal and come under fire from the Russian-backed forces. Militants destroy one of the MT-LAs, and the other one overturns. Despite targeted fire, the crew manages to retreat to the control tower.

Realizing that reinforcements won't be able to arrive, some of the Ukrainian forces decide to exit independently. From January 20-21, 2015, three groups leave: one in the evening (including "Rahman"), the second at night, and the third in the early morning. About 12 wounded Ukrainian fighters remain, who eventually are captured by the Russian-backed militants. Later, they are paraded on the streets of Donetsk in a so-called "parade of prisoners."

On January 20, 2015, Ukrainian defenders suffered their biggest losses during the defense of Donetsk airport – 51 servicemen of the Ukrainian forces were killed.

It is only at the end of February 2015 that the bodies of the deceased will be retrieved by Ukrainian prisoners under the control of the Russian-backed militants.


Throughout the operation to defend Donetsk airport, a large number of servicemen from the Ukrainian forces were killed, captured, or went missing. According to official data from the Strategic Communications Department of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, from September 2014 to January 2015, the number of killed servicemen is 109, wounded - 446, and missing in action - 6. Society has raised the issue of conducting an official investigation into the actions and inactions of the higher political and military leadership of the Ukrainian forces in relation to these events. So far, only Russian-backed militants have been held criminally responsible within the framework of national proceedings.

"They stood their ground! The concrete couldn't take it!" - this is how Ukrainians will write about the heroic deeds of the military defenders of Donetsk airport.

This story will be immortalized in the feature-length documentary film by Leonid Kanter and Ivan Yasniy, "Volunteers of God's Squad," the poem by Volodymyr Tymchuk, "Donetsk Airport," the novel by Sergey Loiko, "Airport," the feature film by Akhtem Seitablaiev, "Cyborgs," and the song "Airport" by the Ternopil band "Dolg."

Starting in 2018, at the initiative of the defenders of the airport, the memory of the participants of those events will be honored in January in various cities of Ukraine. And from January 20, 2022, the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine officially established this day as the Day of Remembrance of the Donetsk Airport Defenders - a tribute to the servicemen, volunteers, and volunteers who defended the airfield from the Russian aggressor.


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Yevheniia Kapalkina



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