Virtual museum of Russian aggression.

Virtual museum of Russian aggression.



City witness of epochs

The ancient Greek city-state of impresses with its stories and beauties. Many different myths and legends surround them. The city dates back to the 4th or 3rd century BC. According to some sources, the Kievan Prince Volodymyr the Great was baptized here. When the city came under the rule of the Russian Empire, barracks for Russian soldiers were built using the ruins of Chersonese. At that time, many places in the ancient Greek city-state were destroyed, demolished, and distorted.

Understanding the value of the ruins came only decades later when the first organized excavations began in 1827. Later, in 1892, an archaeological museum was founded on the territory of Chersonese. During Soviet times, interest in the monument only increased, especially from the point of view of the history and political significance of the locality. It was included in the list of monuments of Union and Republican significance.

With the restoration of Ukraine's independence, a new stage of research into Tauric Chersonese began. In 1994, an international archaeological expedition composed of graduate students from Texas University and other American and Western European universities, as well as experts and volunteers from Ukraine and Russia, visited the reserve.

The legal status of Chersonese also changed: it was included in the list of objects of cultural heritage of national significance of the State Register of Immovable Monuments of Ukraine. The museum also received international recognition and protection when on June 23, 2013 it was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

The attempt to annex the peninsula has invalidated the achievements of the Ukrainian and international community. From 2015 to 2016, Russia actively issued a series of orders that illegally expropriated the territory and property of the reserve. The museum itself is illegally included in the list of "objects of cultural heritage of federal significance" and the "single state register of objects of cultural heritage (monuments of history and culture) of the peoples of the Russian Federation."

Occupational "research" of a world heritage site

From 2014 to 2017, the museum-reserve experiences constant changes. This includes personnel reshuffles and transfer of jurisdiction to different organizations. All of this has a negative impact on both the level of legal protection of the museum and the physical condition of its collections. In fact, no one from the occupying authorities controls the process of their preservation, movement, and archaeological excavations on the reserve's territory. The situation is worsened by the fact that the occupation does not allow Ukraine or the international community to control the reserve and its condition.

In order to realize "Russia's ambitious plans for the construction of a new historical-archaeological center of Christianity" and to turn the Tauric Chersonese into a so-called "cradle of Russian Orthodoxy," illegal archaeological excavations and "reconstructions" began on the reserve's territory from 2015. These crimes are carried out under the auspices of higher political and scientific institutions of Russia.

On December 22, 2015, the occupying authorities of the Crimean peninsula transported the foundation and commemorative stones of the St. Vladimir's Cathedral in Tauric Chersonese to the Russian city of Vladimir, to the monument to Prince Vladimir. These actions were justified by the "need for research" and, in particular, "spiritual unity of the peninsula with the Russian Federation."

Speaking about the importance of the event, representatives of the occupying authorities note that "the transfer of a part of the Christian shrine, which are the stones of Chersonese, to the Russian city of Vladimir and its residents is of great importance, particularly in demonstrating the unity of the spiritual axis, Orthodox traditions of friendship between Russian lands and peoples who inhabit them, the common spiritual history, which is important for Crimeans and Sevastopol residents, as well as for people who will visit the Vladimir Church in a few years." The ceremony of "transporting" the stones is accompanied by solemnities involving representatives of the Russian clergy, the so-called "State Council of Crimea," as well as the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation.

In April 2016, the famous Italian courtyard is completely destroyed, and the fountain is demolished - the reserve management decides to "reconstruct and modernize" the territory. They also completely concrete over the area of an ancient estate on the Mayakovy Peninsula (part of the buffer zone of Chersonese). Previously, in that place, shards were discovered in the soil heap, which Tauric Chersonese experts identified as ceramics from the 4th-3rd centuries BC. The location of these unique finds of cultural heritage is unknown.

Russian "archaeologists" searching for Ukrainian treasures

The real "boom" of illegal archaeological excavations in Chersonese began in 2017 with the announcement of plans to build the historical and archaeological park "Tauric Chersonese". According to the "road map," this criminal construction is supposed to take place in the buffer zones of the reserve, after obtaining the conclusion and permission of archaeologists. As part of the implementation of the "construction" on the territory of Chersonese, two expeditions are actively working: the so-called "Complex Chersonese Archaeological Expedition," formed from archaeological units of the Institute of Archaeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Hermitage, the "State Historical and Archaeological Museum-Reserve" Tauric Chersonese, and the "Chersonese Expedition of the State Hermitage."

During the activities of these two expeditions, the occupiers discover new archaeological finds - at least four burial structures of the Hellenistic period, cut into the rock, and three residential complexes - two rooms cut into the rock and one room in a natural cave. The report posted on the Hermitage website, based on the results of the expedition's activities, states that carved rock tombs from the Hellenistic and Roman periods, as well as household and production facilities, new defensive walls, water tanks, and wine presses with a wild horse, were discovered and examined. Family tombs and burials in earthen mounds are also mentioned.

Numerous artifacts are illegally confiscated and transferred for "safekeeping" to the funds of the Chersonese museum or exported beyond the borders of the Crimean peninsula to the territory of the Russian Federation.

In 2021, the Institute of the History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Archaeology of Crimea of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and Sevastopol State University joined in the illegal excavations in Chersonese. The Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation issued a permit for archaeological work in Chersonese, covering an area of 400,000 square meters, which is more than 15% of the reserve's territory, in just one year. In total, in 2015-2020, the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation issued over 410 such permits, allowing Russian "archaeologists" to drastically alter a significant portion of the museum's territory.

Another "researcher" of the reserve's heritage is the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. From May to July 2021, under its direct control, with the help of excavators, trucks, and other construction equipment, a portion of Chersonese's buffer zone was "investigated." Such actions seriously damage not only the integrity of the monument but also irretrievably destroy previously unexplored areas of the reserve. Construction materials are piled directly on the territory of the ancient settlement, construction waste is scattered throughout the reserve, and construction equipment destroys the tracing of the medieval temple, disrupting the cultural layer and elements of the museum complex of ancient structures.

The then-head of the illegal archaeological expedition, Yuri Vinogradov of the Hermitage, stated that he did not know who these people were, who gave them permission to conduct the "research," and characterized the ruined area as unimportant to Chersonese.

Illegal excavations continued in 2022. Occupiers are rushing to build a new archaeological complex aimed at promoting Russian Orthodoxy and the grandeur of the "Russian world."

The face of the destroyer

There is no shortage of the faces of the destroyers, who agree to the rapid looting, destruction, and annihilation of a world-renowned monument. At least the names of the leaders of archaeological expeditions that illegally carry out their activities in Crimea can be easily found in the open permits published on the website of the Russian Ministry of Culture. Among the culture and historical values destroyers in Crimea are S. Vnukov, Yu. Zaytsev, S. Solovyov, A. Stoyanova, I. Khrapunov, and many others. They are all active members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, each belonging to the Institute of Archaeology or the Institute of Material Culture, and teaching at Russian or Crimean higher education institutions.

As for more than 20 experts and archaeologists, criminal proceedings have been initiated at the level of the Prosecutor's Office of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol. Since 2018, the data of Sergei Vnukov, Sergei Solovyov, Yuri Belik, Valentin Doroshka, Vadim Kutaisov, Mykola Fedoseyev, and many others have been included in Ukraine's sanction lists.

The situation with identifying those who directly participate in archaeological expeditions is different. After all, anyone can join excavations, even without professional education. Only in 2022 Russia announced excavations around Chersonese on an area of 40 hectares (the total area of the reserve is 256 hectares). For comparison, during the construction of the Tavrida highway, a total of 90 hectares were studied.

The right to protection

Cultural heritage is one of the most vulnerable and least protected victims of armed conflict. It cannot ask for protection or report damage on its own. Nevertheless, there are certain international norms and provisions aimed at protecting cultural heritage during armed conflict.

In particular, some rules of customary international humanitarian law establish an obligation for the state that has occupied part of the territory of another state to show respect for the cultural heritage that remains on that territory. The obligation is represented by the prohibition of destruction or intentional damage to cultural monuments, as well as the illegal export of cultural valuables from the occupied territory.

The provisions of the Second Protocol to the Hague Convention on the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict of 1954 state that the occupying authority may take any action regarding cultural heritage, including conducting archaeological excavations, but only if circumstances permit and in close cooperation with the competent national authorities of the occupied territory. In other words, cooperation with Ukrainian state authorities is mandatory in this situation.

      International Law leaves Russia no justification for not complying with Ukrainian legislation on cultural property and imposing its own rules. The authorities of the occupying power should use the norms of Ukrainian law in resolving any issues regarding the reserve. However, the reality is radically different.

According to Ukrainian legislation, the Tauric Chersonese and its Chora have the highest legal protection since the monument is an object of national significance and world heritage. At the same time, the Russian state endows the monument with a significantly lower level of protection, although it considers it to be "especially valuable objects of cultural heritage of the peoples of the Russian Federation."

In addition, in Ukraine the mechanism for making decisions regarding the fate of a monument is multi-level: through a supervisory board, governing bodies, the international community, and civil society. In the Russian Federation, there are no controlling mechanisms. It is only necessary to obtain permission from the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, and within the buffer zones of Chersonese, anything can be done - from changing the boundaries of the zone itself to carrying out construction of hotels, residential complexes, or entertainment facilities.

Russia does not listen to international institutions that refuse to support its position. UNESCO confirmed back in 2014 that it would only act in accordance with the UN resolution, which defines the territory of the Crimean Peninsula as the territory of Ukraine. The organization did not recognize Russian jurisdiction over the object and officially suspended cooperation with the museum-reserve during the period of temporary occupation of Crimea.


Despite the occupier's disregard for international law, and sometimes even their own, the international community recognizes Chersonese as the property of Ukraine, condemns Russia's actions, and stands with Ukraine against Russian aggression.

The Prosecutor's Office of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol is currently conducting pre-trial investigations into a series of criminal proceedings involving over 70 cases of intentional destruction, damage or defacement of the National Reserve Museum Tauric Chersonese and its Chora, illegal searches, archaeological work, and the removal of cultural treasures from the temporarily occupied territory of the Crimean Peninsula.

In 2021, Ukraine submitted a communication to the International Criminal Court regarding crimes against cultural heritage objects in the temporarily occupied territory of the Crimean Peninsula, including Tauric Chersonese. Several months after this communication, the International Criminal Court published its own policy on investigating crimes against cultural heritage, indicating its particular interest in this category of crimes and its readiness to investigate them.

Daryna Pidhorna

Regional Center for Human Rights


Ancient City of Tauric Chersonese and its Chora // UNESCO – Режим доступу: РИЛЬОВ К. Через усі епохи, не сходячи з місця. Репортаж iз Херсонеса / Костянтин РИЛЬОВ // Газета «День». – Режим доступу: Carter, J. C., Crawford, M., Lehman, P., Nikolaenko, G., & Trelogan, J. (2000). The Chora of Chersonesos in Crimea, Ukraine. American Journal of Archaeology, 104(4), 707, – page 723. doi:10.2307/507154 // Режим доступу: Постанова Кабінету Міністрів України «Про занесення об'єктів культурної спадщини національного значення до Державного реєстру нерухомих пам'яток України», Перелік від 03.09.2009 № 928. – Режим доступу: Постанова Кабінету Міністрів України «Про внесення об'єктів культурної спадщини національного значення до Державного реєстру нерухомих пам'яток України», Перелік від 10.10.2012 № 929. – Режим доступу: Українські археологи проситимуть ЄС відмовитися від співпраці з російськими дослідниками, які працюють у Криму // Крим.Реалії. – Режим доступу: Загрози втрати об’єкта світової та української спадщини «Херсонесу Таврійського» як наслідок російської окупації, Євген Самуха, 11.07.2020 , – Режим доступу: Аналітично-інформаційна довідка з питань охорони культурної та археологічної спадщини на тимчасово окупованій території України в Криму, Прокуратура Автономної Республіки Крим та міста Севастополь, 2018, – Режим доступу: Археологическое исследование пригородов Херсонеса / Д.А. Костромичев (ГИАМЗ «Херсонес Таврический»), Н.Ю. Новоселова (Государственный Эрмитаж), О.В. Шаров (Институт археологии РАН), 07.11.2020 – Режим доступу: Відео «Невиданный ранее склеп IV-VII вв обнаружили в “Южном пригороде Херсонеса”», YouTube-канал «Фонд Моя История», 30.06.2021 Відео «Почти у стен Херсонеса неизвестные разворачивают глобальное строительство», YouTube-канал «НТС Севастополь», 11.05.2021, – Режим доступу: Відео «Почему «Херсонес» копают экскаватором и откуда взялись артефакты на свалке грунта?», YouTube-канал «НТС Севастополь», 17.06.2021, - Режим доступу: Конвенція про охорону всесвітньої культурної і природної спадщини, Постійне представництво України при ЮНЕСКО, від 05.02.2020, – Режим доступу: Закон України «Про охорону культурної спадщини» від 08.06.2000 № 1805-III, – Режим доступу: Указ Президента РФ «Об отнесении федерального государственного бюджетного учреждения культуры «Государственный историко- археологический музей-заповедник «Херсонес Таврический» к особо ценным объектам культурного наследия народов Российской Федерации» № 596 от 07.12.2015, – Режим доступу: Follow-up by UNESCO of the situation in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea (Ukraine), 194 EX/32, 3 Apr. 2014. – Режим доступу: Закон України «Про охорону культурної спадщини» від 08.06.2000 № 1805-III, – Режим доступу: Федеральный Закон «Об объектах культурного наследия (памятниках истории и культуры) народов Российской Федерации» (с изменениями на 21 декабря 2021 года), принят 24.05.2002, – Режим доступу:
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