Virtual museum of Russian aggression.

Virtual museum of Russian aggression.



Massandra: the story of success

Massandra was founded in 1892 by Prince Lev Golitsyn .He laid the foundation for the first tunnel-type underground factory for the production of table and dessert wines, which makes it the oldest underground wine storage facility in Ukraine.

Throughout its history, Massandra survived two wars. In 1918, the Massandra collection of wines was walled up in such a way that the Germans failed to find it over the six months of occupation.

During the Second World War, the main collection of wines was evacuated to the Caucasus. The rest was walled up in the third gallery of the plant.

Massandra managed to survive even the Soviet anti-alcohol campaign.

The main treasure of the enterprise is almost 11 thousand hectares of land in the south of Crimea for growing grapes, and the world's largest Massandra enoteca (about 1 million bottles) that earned a mention in the 1998 Guinness Book of Records.

The enterprise was granted the national status on 10/06/1999 in order to preserve the unique wine-making zone of the southern coast of Crimea, the national classical technology for the production of high-quality vintage and collectible wines.

On 06/04/2009, the government decided to protect the Massandra enterprise and its lands on a legislative level.

By 2014, the State Concern National Production and Agrarian Association Massandra was under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, producing 60 types of vintage and ordinary wines. Massandra’s annual output was about 10 million bottles of wine. The enterprise comprised 9 primary and secondary wine-making factories and 3 independent wineries.

Yalta. Tours of the Masandra cellars. The true wine of Crimea. Winery: history, tasting. Crimea 2020. Crimea through the eyes of the locals.
Resolution of the Hague Tribunal on Crimea, position of the members of parliament and human rights. Full review. TV channel DOM.

The fate of Massandra under the occupation

On 03/26/2014, the Russian occupation authorities carried out so-called nationalization of Massandra. To please their Kremlin overseers, the status of the enterprise was changed on 04/06/2014, making it a federal property of the Administrative Directorate of the President of the Russian Federation and on 08/01/2014 it was registered in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation.

Vladimir Putin used Massandra as a tool to legitimize the temporary occupation. On 09.11.2015, he visited the enterprise with his friend, former Prime Minister of Italy Silvio Berlusconi.

During the visit, they sampled 31 bottles of collectible vintage wine. Eager to please the guests, the so-called General Director of the enterprise Yanina Pavlenko uncorked one of the most valuable bottles of the Massandra enoteca - Jerez de la Frontera, vintage 1775.

The Russian occupation authorities offered their valuation for the part of the Massandra collection sampled during the visit, which is nothing but cynical: the sherry was valued at 44 rubles 12 kopecks ($ 0.64 at the rate of exchange effective on 09/11/2015), while the worth of all 31 bottles of collectible wine was estimated at 935 rubles 97 kopecks ($ 13.6).

Vladimir Putin and Silvio Berlusconi descend to the Masandra vaults. 9/11/2015. RT in Russian.

Massandra: sale vs war crime

On 02/22/2019, seeking to start the sale of Massandra, the Government of Russia transferred the enterprise to the state ownership of the so-called Republic of Crimea.

The occupants claimed that the sale of the enterprise was justified by the need for big investments into renovation of vineyards, agricultural machinery and the modernization of production facilities.

On 01/10/2020, Massandra was reorganized into a joint-stock company, and on 10/14/2020 it was added to the 2020 privatization list, predictably undervalued at 627.4 million rubles (or $ 8.1 million, at the rate of exchange effective on 10.14.2020). The privatization proceeded by way of an auction.

In fact, the price of Massandra was deliberately underestimated as much as possible – just 5.3 billion rubles ($ 68.6 million). According to Mykola Boyko, the former general director of Massandra, the vineyards alone were worth € 6.3 billion in the 2000s. A total of 220 land plots of the enterprise with a total area of 104.8 hectares and 1,210 non-residential premises and structures were put up for sale.

The auction itself was a show rather than a real trade, having every sign of fictitiousness. Only two participants were admitted: OOO Yuzhniy Project and OOO Estate Group. The latter was founded on 10/22/2020 specifically for participation in the auction and by 03.15.2021 it was already in a liquidation process.

OOO Yuzhniy Project is a subsidiary of Joint-Stock Bank Rossiya, the main shareholder of which is Yuri Kovalchuk (a person close to Vladimir Putin).

On 12.14.2020,  OOO Yuzhniy Project predictably won the auction for the sale of Massandra, purchasing the enterprise for 5.327 billion rubles ($ 68.8 million).

An exclusive winery sold dirt cheap in Crimea


By nationalizing and selling Massandra, the Russian occupation administration reneged on the norms of the international humanitarian law and committed a war crime.


The Prosecutor's Office of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea provides procedural management in a number of criminal proceedings on the counts of misappropriation of public and private property on the territory of the occupied peninsula. Within the framework of the proceedings, numerous facts of large-scale and systematic misappropriation of property were recorded which provides for qualifying the actions of the occupying state and its occupation administration as a war crime under Part 1 Art. 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (violation of the laws and customs of war). In particular, this concerns the sale of Massandra's assets, since, in accordance with the Fourth Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, the occupying state is prohibited from appropriating both public and private property in the occupied territory. And therefore, the sale of Massandra constitutes another count of a war crime, since the occupation administration not only illegally took possession of this property, but also illegally disposed of it. The prosecutor's office brought indictments against the so-called. Chairman of the State Council of the Republic of Crimea and Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea on charges of violation of the laws and customs of war, also adding charges for misappropriation and further sale of State Concern Massandra. Contrary to the norms of international law, the suspects made a number of illegitimate decisions on the nationalization and further sale of the state property.

National and international sanctions were imposed on the individuals involved in unlawful actions with the property of Massandra.

At the same time, the Prosecutor's Office of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol provides procedural management in criminal proceedings under Part 5 Art. 191 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (misappropriation, embezzlement or seizure of property through abuse of office), Part 1 Art. 14 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (preparation for a crime), Part 3 Art. 191 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (repeated misappropriation, embezzlement or seizure of property through abuse of office).

The pre-trial investigation established that the General Director of Massandra, appointed by the occupation administration, on 09/11/2015, during the visit to the winery of the President of the Russian Federation and ex-Prime Minister of Italy, illegally uncorked for them one of 5 bottles of unique 240-year-old wine Jerez de la Frontera from the Massandra collection, with a current estimated value of about $ 100,000.

The director was indicted under Part 5 Art. 191, Part 1 Art. 14, Part 3 Art. 191 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, she is currently on the wanted list.


The Prosecutor's Office of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, together with the Ukrainian Helsinki Union for Human Rights and the Regional Center for Human Rights, sent a number of information notices to the Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, two of which related specifically to the large-scale destruction and misappropriation of property not justified by military necessity and the seizure of private property belonging to citizens of Ukraine.  Each notice proved the involvement of specific officials of the occupying state in the commission of these offenses on the territory of the occupied peninsula.


On 12/11/2020, the International Criminal Court in the Hague completed the analysis of the situation in Ukraine and confirmed, that by invading Crimea Russian Federation unleashed an international armed conflict. A wide range of acts committed by the occupying state in Ukraine constitute war crimes and crimes against humanity which are within the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court.


The Prosecutor's Office of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea conducts a pre-trial investigation of these crimes in accordance with Part 1 Art. 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (violation of the laws and customs of war).


As a legal entity registered under the Russian laws, Massandra is subject to national and international sanctions, thus the international market is now closed to the company.

According to various sources, a total of 300 to 500 state enterprises and trade unions, and about 300 private enterprises have been nationalized on the peninsula over the period of temporary occupation. Some other studies mention a grand total of 4,000 of such enterprises and businesses.

Under various pretexts, the occupation administration nationalized: PJSC Krymkhleb, Krymplast, Krymenergo, Crimean branch of OJSC Ukrtelecom, property of OJSC Kyivstar, Krymavtotrans, Chernomornaftogaz, Ukrtransgaz, shipping companies and seaports, agricultural enterprises, including wineries, such as Magarach, Novy Svit and Inkerman.

The bank owned by Putin's friend is making billions on the utility bills. Deutsche Welle. 12/9/2020.
Sitting pretty: Putin and Berlusconi partook 240-years-old sherry that was written off the books for a paltry amount of 44 rubles. 09/23/2015. 9/23/2015. Center for Investigative Reporting.

Published on 2021-09-01

Mission of the President of Ukraine in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea


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