Virtual museum of Russian aggression.

Virtual museum of Russian aggression.



Under Guard or Under the Gun

Friday, the last day of winter 2014. The world quickly spreads the message: airports and transportation companies that organized safe air traffic to Crimea are now seized by the Russians. Information in the media is traditionally delayed. After all, on February 27, 2014, at approximately 21:30, people with weapons appeared at the entrance to Sevastopol airport. Wearing military uniforms without insignia, they surrounded the airport. The group leader introduces himself as Roman. Roman claims that the purpose of their arrival at the airfield is to prevent the landing of planes with extremists.

On February 28, 2014, Ukrainian pilots still try to start two military aircraft. However, at around 15:55, armed men in balaclavas driving three "Ural" vehicles block the taxiways. It is no longer possible for the fighter planes of the 204th Sevastopol Tactical Aviation Brigade of the Ukrainian Air Force (military unit A4515) based at this airfield to take off. At the same time, sniper positions are being set up on the roof of the airport building.

Russian troops take control of two main airports in Crimea. February 28, 2014

The situation is similar near Simferopol. On February 28, 2014 at 9:10, the buildings of the State Enterprise "Krymaerorukh" at 53 Fedorovskaya Street and the adjacent airport "Simferopol" were seized by the Black Sea Fleet servicemen armed with automatic small arms in cooperation with representatives of the FSB and a unit of the GRU of the Russian Armed Forces. These are about 120 people. They are assisted by another 100 militants of the "Cossack Hundred". The day before, military transport aircraft of the Russian Armed Forces were scheduled to land there. Employees of the state-owned enterprise refused to cooperate with the occupier. After the seizure of the airport without a separate order from representatives of the Russian Armed Forces, landing and takeoff of aircraft became impossible here as well. The so-called "Chief of Staff of the Crimean Self-Defense" Vladimir Mertsalov gives several interviews from under the Simferopol airport on that gloomy day. He claims that it is a security detail to prevent radicalized elements from entering Crimea. He emphasizes that neither his men nor the military interfere with the airport.

Similar events are taking place in parallel at other airports on the peninsula. On February 27, 2014, Russian troops arrived in Novofedorivka. On February 28, 2014, 10-15 Russian soldiers and a KAMAZ truck are standing near the checkpoint in Dzhankoy, ready to block the entrance to the military unit at any moment. On the same day, a KAMAZ also arrives on the territory of the Yevpatoria Aircraft Repair Plant, first at the checkpoint and then at the runway. On March 1, 2014, the military airfield of the State Research and Testing Center of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Kirovske near Feodosia was seized. The Crimean airfields near the settlements of Kacha and Hvardiyske were used by the Black Sea Fleet under the 1997 Fleet Division Agreement. The Russians move personnel, military equipment, and weapons to Crimea in advance, including using these airfields.

At the entrance to the Simferopol airport building, Russian soldiers armed with automatic weapons in full combat gear. Nearby, V. Mertsalov tells journalists that it is peaceful in Crimea, and their only wish is "that the Crimean Tatar people understand that they will live here for many years in peace."

However, special attention is focused on Belbek, the airfield closest to the main base of the Black Sea Fleet. There are several MiG-29 fighter jets and L-39 trainer aircraft here. This airport is also an international aviation enterprise, created on the basis of a military airfield near Sevastopol, which also served other cities in Crimea. It is a place of strategic importance. Both military and civilian aircraft, including official delegations, arrived here. Airplanes of the state's top officials often landed and took off from near Sevastopol. On February 22, 2014, fugitive President Viktor Yanukovych was expected here, but he chose a different route.

Only in the last days of February 2014, a galaxy of iconic figures visited Belbek. Arsen Avakov and Valentyn Nalyvaichenko, who had just become heads of Ukraine's central security agencies, came here in search of Yanukovych. Belbek also hosted future deserters and traitors to Ukraine: the then Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces, Yuriy Ilyin, and later Defense Minister Pavlo Lebedev. On February 27, 2014, a delegation of State Duma deputies arrived from Russia: Vladimir Vasiliev, Nikolai Valuev, Valentina Tereshkova, Irina Rodnina, Mikhail Markelov, Dmitry Savelyev, and Moscow Mayor Alexander Sobyanin.

Apparently realizing the importance of Belbek, they are bringing in about 300 Russian troops, 17 Ural trucks, and 2 armored personnel carriers. By seizing Crimea's airports, the Russians are effectively cutting off the possibility of political dialogue with the Ukrainian government and international organizations. Further attempts by government officials, civic activists, political leaders, and volunteers to reach the peninsula now face serious danger. At airports, they are met with aggressive attitudes, threats, and harassment immediately upon arrival.

The commander of the military unit A4515 is aware of the seizure of the power centers in Simferopol and categorically refuses to leave the military unit, equipment, weapons, or go over to the side of the Russian Federation. Thus, according to the Prosecutor's Office of the ARC and Sevastopol, on March 01, 2014, at approximately 13:00, the Russian military took armed control of all airfield facilities, except for the buried defensive command post.

Russian special forces seized all the objects of the airfield zone on March 02, 2014. The supply of food to the personnel of the military unit A4515, the warehouses of the special engineering service, and small arms were blocked. At approximately 19:30, the posts guarding the warehouses of aircraft and rocket and artillery weapons were also seized. The Russians use stun grenades. The chief of staff of the military unit is seriously injured.

Threats and violence are rapidly dispelling hopes for any kind of dialog. Ultimatums to surrender to the Ukrainian Armed Forces have already been publicly issued by the Commander of the Russian Black Sea Fleet, Vice Admiral Alexander Vitko, and the former Commander of the Ukrainian Navy, Denis Berezovsky. On March 03, 2014, the military from the Sevastopol airport received such an ultimatum - to take an oath of "allegiance to Crimea" within 24 hours or leave the peninsula - from the deputy head of the Black Sea Fleet communications center. The 204th Tactical Aviation Brigade remains loyal to its oath to the people of Ukraine. Civilians come out to support the Ukrainian military.

Without the right to take a photo

Another news from Belbek stirs up the world community on March 4, 2014. This is a video showing unarmed Ukrainian soldiers walking toward heavily armed men in Russian-style military uniforms in full combat gear. About 250 servicemen, who had previously been manning the airfield, sing the Ukrainian anthem and demand to return to work. Russian troops, who had taken control of the airport a few days earlier, fire warning shots. Numerous shouts are heard, and the tension is growing every second. Eventually, somewhere behind the scenes, we hear: "You are live!"
Ukrainian soldiers marching to the airfield under the command of Yuliy Mamchur sing the Ukrainian anthem. Russian soldiers open fire in their direction. March 04, 2014
In those days, the Russian military still avoided publicity, often hiding their faces under balaclavas, and were reluctant to talk to journalists. Once caught by the cameras of numerous international media and volunteers, they eventually agree to negotiate. The airfield is partially returned to Ukrainian control.

"During the first day they did not touch us, we could still get to the airfield, but then they asked us to leave the territory. At the meeting, we decided to march to the airfield. We wanted to demonstrate that this is our place of service, we should be here, not some unknown people with weapons. They showed on TV that we were only singing the Anthem of Ukraine, but at first we were singing various songs related to aviation. They were shooting above our heads, but we kept going and started singing the anthem. We wanted to reach out to those people and open their eyes to the fact that this is the territory of Ukraine. In the middle of the runway, they surrounded us in a semicircle. They were hiding behind buildings. We had the courage to stop, and they had the courage not to cross the last line. During the negotiations between our commander and theirs, they agreed to let some of us into the facilities, because, as we knew, other airfields were looted. But in our case, they also kept all the equipment."

Captain Oleh Bondarenko, weather engineer and forecaster of the unit's meteorological service. Interview for "ArmyInform"

Only a few days after those events, the Russians managed to organize a story for the propaganda media near the military unit - a close-up of local residents allegedly threatening the Ukrainian military, but never entering into a dialogue with them. In this war, civilians will be used as a tool to seize important facilities more than once. As in the case of highways, key air traffic hubs were seized using hybrid methods. 

On March 06, 2014, the Russians damage the aircraft of the first holding group. This includes shooting the pneumatics of the wheels, throwing stones at air intakes, cutting the cable wiring of the release mechanization, removing the landing gear, and draining the hydraulic mixture from the pipelines. On March 11, 2014, Russian military personnel disable and damage the joint drive radio station and steal 10 trunking radios at the airfield facilities.

After the so-called "referendum" and then Vladimir Putin's illegal decision to annex Crimea, the "green men" on the peninsula pay even less attention to the lenses of video cameras. On March 22, 2014, with the help of Russian special forces, shooting, beatings, smoke bombs, and armored personnel carriers, Russians seize the military camp of the tactical aviation brigade. Representatives of the global and local media are watching the assault, but the Russian military snatch their equipment, threaten them, and point their weapons at the journalists. The cameras are eventually returned, but the photos and videos are taken away along with the flash drives.
During the storming of the A4515 unit, a photojournalist from St. Petersburg, Alexander Aksakov, had his leg pinned by a concrete fence. Only through the efforts of a colleague from Reuters was the APC stopped. Instead of helping, about ten Russian security forces attacked the journalists and took away their equipment. March 22, 2014

A young couple of Ukrainian soldiers, Halyna, a brigade medic, and Ivan Benera, an engineer at the automation equipment maintenance department, are also without memorable photos of that day. Despite the difficult circumstances, without traditional celebrations, they still manage to get married in Sevastopol, receive congratulations from their colleagues, and two hours later, in uniform, meet the assault on their aviation unit in Belbek.

The Russian occupiers carefully disguise themselves for the cameras of journalists, but photos from their personal pages on social media will later become strong evidence of the crime, including in Sevastopol. To capture the peninsula, Russian soldiers from the 382nd Separate Marine Battalion of the Black Sea Fleet (military unit 45765) were brought here. With the help of OSINT investigations by the volunteer community InformNapalm, some of the names of the military involved in the blockade of Belbek were also identified.

Anton Karmelavicius, a Russian serviceman of the 382nd Separate Mechanized Brigade, stands at the gate of the Belbek airfield's vehicle park. He has kept a collection of photos in which he poses armed, in camouflage without insignia against the background of Ukrainian aircraft and other military and civilian objects in Crimea in March-April 2014
In the Sevastopol 204th Tactical Aviation Brigade, more than 240 soldiers (38% of the personnel), 11 out of 21 pilots, remain faithful to their oath. During the assault, a journalist and a Ukrainian soldier are wounded. The unit commander, Yuliy Mamchur, is taken prisoner by Russia. Some media outlets manage to preserve some footage of that day.

Military vs. civilian

Belbek has made headlines before. Before the Russian invasion, the occupiers had captured it only once - on the orders of Adolf Hitler. After the victory, the 62nd Fighter Regiment, formed in 1941, was stationed here. The Sevastopol Tactical Aviation Brigade was created in 1992 on the basis of this regiment. The Ukrainian military also inherited the red battle flag, which was carried during the Second World War. So on March 4, 2014, this historic banner was carried alongside the national flag of Ukraine to demonstrate its status as a garrison outpost.

Until the 1980s, the airfield was focused exclusively on military needs, but with the construction of another state mansion in Foros for the recreation of top officials, the question of accepting civilian aircraft near Sevastopol arose. To ensure a comfortable stay for Mikhail Gorbachev and his guests, the first foundations for civil aviation were laid at the Belbek airfield. This process was personally led by Dmitry Yazov, then Minister of Defense of the USSR, later a member of the self-proclaimed State Committee for the State of Emergency.

In August 1991, in Foros, the State Committee for the State of Emergency isolated the first president of the USSR. An entire company of marines was then on guard at the airfield near Sevastopol to prevent attempts to rescue the prisoner. In the end, Belbek was used by Yeltsin's then-associate Alexander Rutskoy, who flew from Moscow to rescue Mikhail Gorbachev. 

During the years of Ukraine's independence, the airport received a license for international air transportation, and further expansion of its civilian potential was planned. Similar trends, for example, took place in Dzhankoy. 

The Russian occupation has put these business plans on hold. International law obliged Ukraine to close the airspace over the entire territory of the peninsula in March 2014, as it became impossible to guarantee flight safety. As early as May 2014, there were first reports of Russian forces building up at Belbek, an important springboard for Russia to wage war and militarize the peninsula.

Officially, the Russian authorities announce the airport reconstruction in 2020. The airfield can accommodate all types of aircraft. A Russian aviation military unit, the 38th Fighter Aviation Regiment, is based here. Belbek can also be used as a logistics airfield for the occupation army on the peninsula. Many experts assume that they are preparing to receive nuclear weapons carriers. The occupiers brought the new 200-meter runway closer to the 70-meter cliff. A concrete plant was built on the site of the former 3rd Aviation Squadron. From Belbek, it becomes easier for Russians to threaten the democratic world with their Backfire. The runway here has been converted for heavy bombers. 

On the eve of a large-scale invasion, Russia is once again increasing its military power in Crimea. This includes not only 42,000 military personnel united in offensive formations, but also all types of aircraft deployed - bombers, attack aircraft, fighters, and support aircraft, including those near Sevastopol. Tu-aircrafts, which launch X-type missiles, are based in Belbek, among other places.


On March 26, 2014, accompanied by Russian machine gunners, Colonel Yuliy Mamchur and five other captured Ukrainian officers leave the territory of Crimea. The tactical aviation brigade from Belbek will first move to Mykolaiv, and from there to Volyn. The difficulties of that March will be endured by the military aviators and their families.

"...the wives of my subordinates were always alongside. We had our own women's battalion. In addition to the difficult political situation, we were also facing unfavorable weather conditions - strong winds and cold. Our women organized round-the-clock duty. They prepared tea, coffee, sandwiches, and provided moral support. By the way, it happened that my wife was the last one to stay. When I was brought to the brig in Sevastopol, I didn't know what was happening outside my cell, but thanks to the fact that my wife and my deputy, who were actually the brain trust of our resistance, stayed there, I was sure that everything would be fine."

Yuliy Mamchur, interview for "Uriadovyi Kurier"

On December 02, 2014, Senior Lieutenant Ivan Benera was killed by a mortar attack near Avdiivka. The young couple continued their military service after leaving Crimea. On July 30, 2015, Ivan was posthumously awarded the badge "For the Defense of Donetsk Airport".

In April-June 2014, the Ukrainian military, according to the agreements reached between Ukraine and the Russian Federation, will be able to take some of the aircraft out of Crimea. As early as 2020, the Armed Forces informed about the next repair of the Russian-damaged aircraft.

The military traitors from Belbek will take an oath of allegiance to Russia, not Crimea, within a month after the airfield is seized. However, in the ranks of the Russian army, former Ukrainian soldiers will often lose their former privileges and face negative attitudes and humiliation.

As early as March 2014, the so-called "State Council of Crimea" announced the creation of Krymaeronavigatsiya and Universal-Avia on the basis of the Simferopol airport and Belbek airfield. Later, the nationalization of Ukrainian state property will be handled directly by Russian stakeholders. In 2016, both airports will be transferred to the company of Russian businessman Yuri Kovalchuk. January 07, 2016 the Hague Court of Arbitration agrees to consider Ihor Kolomoisky's claim against Russia, in particular, regarding the right to manage the passenger terminal at Belbek airport. By seizing the airports, Russia also violated the 1998 Agreement between the governments of Russia and Ukraine on the promotion and mutual protection of investments.

On February 28, 2014, despite the difficult political situation, the parliamentary corps in Kyiv will mobilize and adopt a resolution "On the Appeal of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine to the guarantor states in accordance with the Memorandum on Security Assurances in connection with Ukraine's accession to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons." The justification will include attempts to seize airports in Simferopol and Sevastopol.

A year later, an employee of the Russian state broadcaster Andrey Kondrashov presents a propaganda film "Crimea. The Way to the Motherland". Among other things, it will retell the Russian version of the seizure of the airports. The key plots will be based on post-facto interviews, "reconstructions of events," without real photos and videos.

As early as the 10th day of the confrontation with the Russian military invasion in 2022, the Belbek will appear in the reports of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Tactical aircraft from this airfield, as well as from Belarusian or Russian airfields, will be used to conduct air strikes on targets in Ukraine, to detect and destroy Ukrainian air defense systems. 

Starting in August 2022, the Belbek will be mentioned in the world media again. This will be the first time that explosions will occur at the occupied airfield. The information is dosed, given the isolation of the peninsula. But the disturbing news will be spread in local publics, and will be repeated in October 2022 and March 2023.

Published on 2023-03-25

Olha Volyanyuk, Prometheus Center for Security Studies

Maksym Mayorov, Center for Strategic Communications and Information Security


Довідка «Захоплення аеродрому ʺБельбекʺ» підготовлена та надана музею співробітниками Прокуратури Автономної республіки Крим та м. Севастополь, 03.03.2021. З внутрішніх фондів Віртуального музею російської агресії. Довідка «Захоплення аеропорту ʺСімферопольʺ» підготовлена та надана музею співробітниками Прокуратури Автономної республіки Крим та м. Севастополь, 03.03.2021. З внутрішніх фондів Віртуального музею російської агресії. Постанова Верховної Ради України Про Звернення Верховної Ради України до держав-гарантів відповідно до Меморандуму про гарантії безпеки у зв’язку з приєднанням України до Договору про нерозповсюдження ядерної зброї. (Відомості Верховної Ради (ВВР), 2014, № 12, ст.207) . 28.02.2014 Березовець, Тарас. Анексія: острів Крим. Хроніки «гібридної війни». 2-е вид. Київ: Брайт Стар Паблішинг, 2016. 391, [16] c Бура Д., Красовицький О. Хроніка війни. 2014—2020. Том 1. Від Майдану до Іловайська. Харків: Фоліо, 2020. 478 с. Встановлені дані 15 російських військових 382-го ОБМП, які брали участь в агресії проти України. InformNapalm. 03.11.2020 Долина Н. Полковник Юлій Мамчур: «Після всього пережитого практично в усіх сім’ях стосунки стали міцнішими». «Урядовий кур’єр». 26.04.2014 Зоріна Я. Росія порушила повітряний простір України на 13 млрд грн. АрміяInform. 18.11. 2019 Ковальчук, Ротенберг, Малофеев и другие покупатели Крыма. «Важные истории» составили топ-10 участников приватизации. На первых местах, конечно, друзья Путина. 01.02.2023 Крим. Анексована Власність = Annexed Property in Crimea / Тищенко Ю., Каздобіна Ю., Дячук М.; За заг. ред. Ю. Тищенко. Київ : ТОВ «Агентство» Укра-їна», 2016. 148 с. «Кримська дача» Путіна: паркан у 6 метрів, охоронна зона й закритий пляж. Українська правда. 08.02.2021 Мосейченок О. Він єдиний зі складу метеослужби бригади, хто вийшов із Криму. АрміяInform. 02.12. 2020 Овсяний К. «Відкрите небо»: звідки російські літаки атакують Україну. «Радіо свобода». 21.03.2022 Олехнович А. Протистояв окупантам у Криму, загинув під Донецьком. АрміяInform. 2.06. 2020 Патлатюк І. За дві години після весілля почули сирену про штурм. Газета по-українськи. 28.03. 2014 «Полуостров страха: хроника оккупации и нарушения прав человека в Крыму» / Под общей редакцией Т. Печончик. Киев, 2015. 83 с. Пресувальна машина: як Росія знищувала свободу слова в Криму / Ю. Луканов; ред. Т. Печончик; Центр інформації про права людини. Київ, КБЦ, 2018. 176 с., іл. Российские военные взяли штурмом авиабазу в Бельбеке. Голос Америки. 22.03.2014 Токарь И. Крым на случай войны: что известно о новых военных базах России. 07.02.2021. У Бельбеку фотограф Reuters, рятуючи російського колегу, зупинив БТР. Детектор медіа. 23.03.2014 Юрій Мамчур: під час захоплення Криму військове керівництво з Києва не давало конкретних вказівок. Радіо Свобода. 10.03.2018 Alex Marquardt, Gillian Mohney. Ukrainian Commander Arrested After Russian Forces Storm Crimean Airbase, Says His Wife. Abcnews. March 22, 2014. Brad Lendon, Paul P. Murphy. Seven Russian warplanes were destroyed in huge blasts at Crimean air base, new satellite images show. CNN. 11.08. 2022 Leo Sands. Saky airfield: Ukraine claims Crimea blasts responsibility after denial. BBC.NEWS. 07.09.2022 Shaun Walker. Russian takeover of Crimea will not descend into war, says Vladimir Putin. 04. 03.2014 William Booth. Ukraine soldiers engage in test of wills with Russian troops. 04.03.2014 «Захват» аэропорта в Симферополе продлился около двух часов. [ВІДЕО]. Джерело: Геннадий Джафаров. 30.03.2018 Видео из аэропорта Симферополя 5. [ВІДЕО]. Джерело: Alex Solomin.28.02.2014 Войска (силы), задействованные в проверке боевой готовности, перебрасываются в назначенные районы. 27.02.2014 (09:12). Минобороны России Командующий 4-ой армией ВВС и ПВО: «В Крыму дальние бомбардировщики Ту-22МЗ не размещены, в этом нет необходимости» Резникова Е. Татьяны тень: Минобороны РФ отбирает у тяжелобольной военнослужащей из Севастополя квартиру, выданную ей президентом Ющенко. «Новая газета». 05.08.2020 Старожицкая М. Форос forever. Так мирно выглядит это «нехорошее место». Комерсанть. 20.08.2006 Украинские военнослужащие гарнизона «Бельбек» опозорили Боевое Красное знамя - жители Любимовки... Вас нужно просто расформировать с изъятием этого знамени. ForPost. 06.03.2014
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